Lighting: replace the halogen lamps with the LED

sostituire le lampade alogene

Lighting: replace the halogen lamps with the LED

One of the fundamental aspects of furnishing the home concerns lighting: depending on the positioning and the type of installation, in fact, it is possible to obtain different atmospheres, for a brighter or more relaxing environment.

Halogen lighting is the first evolution

More than a hundred years have passed since the first models of the old incandescent light bulb were produced, the one we all know today and we have at home, consisting of a glass bulb and a tungsten filament which, crossed by the electric current, manages to produce enough photons to illuminate a dark room.

Today this type of light bulb is now obsolete, and the technology has evolved into the halogen light bulb, an incandescent light bulb inside which a halogen gas is added – normally iodine.
The presence of this gas allows the light bulb to be whiter and warm at the same time, returning a significantly stronger light output than the classic light bulb.

But with the advent of LEDs this type has become too expensive and therefore ready to be replaced with this new technology, so we discover how to replace the halogen lamps with LEDs

LED bulbs are the future

As for home lighting, advice in recent times goes in the direction of LED lamps, although in the end it is always the personal taste to master.
In the specific case of LED light, the many people who have gone through this type of lighting have seen real cuts in the electricity bill, but also the opportunity to give vent to creativity at home, thanks to the different compositions and colors of the Led lights.

Original price was: € 42.Current price is: € 34.
Original price was: € 38.Current price is: € 30.
Original price was: € 8.Current price is: € 6.
Original price was: € 49.Current price is: € 39.
Original price was: € 30.Current price is: € 24.

What is LED technology?

First of all, LED light is the result of a particular process of photon release by light emitting diodes, which thanks to semiconductor materials can produce a high quantity of photons without generating heat, as is the case for light bulbs. incandescent.

The estimated life of a LED lamp is about 50,000 hours, after which a brightness drop of up to 70% of its original power is recorded.
If this drop still allows the lamp to continue to illuminate a room worthily, it can still be used until 100,000 hours are reached before it is completely exhausted.

LED lighting: all the benefits

The LED bulbs are suitable for any use, are frequently used both at home and on cars, as well as in the premises or for public lighting in the city and this because of the many advantages they produce.
The benefits of using LED lamps are many, and among the most interesting are to remember:

  • Instant ignition at full light output
  • Temperature unchanged because they do not generate heat
  • No problem in disposal and zero damage to the environment
  • No emission of UV rays
  • Consumption equal to â…™ of traditional light bulbs
  • Consequent savings of 90% in the bill compared to the use of incandescent light bulbs
  • Duration up to 6250 days for full light output (50,000 hours)
  • Regarding the latter data, it should be noted that with an average use of a LED bulb of about 8 hours a day, the duration of the latter is about 17 years, in spite of the 2 years of halogen light bulbs, and the 4 month average of traditional light bulbs.

To replace the halogen lamps with the LED, it is necessary to check the type of lamp connection, eg. E27, E14, G2, G9, G11, etc.

afterwards the vattaggio must be checked, which must be compared with that of the new led lamp ex. Halogen 100-150W corresponds to 20W led.

At this point we can control the color that must be as similar as possible to that of the old halogen lamp to be replaced

replace the halogen lamps

done this you are ready to buy your new LED lamps!


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